Ultimate Speedway

Calder Park Thunderdome, Melbourne, Victoria. (Asphalt Superspeedway) [Australia]

The Birth of an Australian Racing Icon Aerial view of Calder Park Raceway in Victoria Australia, view from south east. – Photo by Graeme Bartlett – CC BY-SA 3.0 Richard Petty, a renowned figure in...

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Speedway Circuits
Every speedway has a story, and we aim to bring those stories to you. From the largest tracks to the smallest, whether dirt or asphalt, past, present, or future, we aim to cover them all.

Do you have insights about a current or past speedway circuit, or can you provide additional information on the speedways we’ve already listed? If so, please feel free to get in touch.

Speedway Cars, Bikes & Series
From the early days to the modern era and the cars of tomorrow, we strive to uncover all the information behind the various forms of car and motorcycle speedway vehicles, their associated classes, and series details.

If you can assist us in any way with information, images, or videos, we welcome you to contact us.

Speedway Drivers, Teams & Circuit Owners
With over 100 years of car and motorcycle speedway events, we aim to uncover the people behind the sport's past, present, and future.

As always, any assistance is greatly appreciated. We hope to hear from you soon!